"Behold I will do a new thing....."(Isaiah 43:19)
This is the time of year when some churches hold revival meetings. Vance Havner said: "When I was a boy, preachers used to talk about 'holding a revival.' What we really need is somebody who will turn a revival loose." I offer a hearty Amen to that.
Real Revival according to Havner is this. "It is not a temporary stir of stepped up activity among church members, or a week of protracted meetings with an aisle parade of cheap rededications. A revival is a work of God's Spirit among Christians whereby they get right with God, with themselves, and with others. It means conviction of sin; reconciliation and restitution; getting right with others; separation from the world; submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and being filled with The Holy Spirit. Such a revival precedes and will produce effective evangelism, for when the joy of salvation is restored, transgressors shall be taught God's ways and sinners will be converted to Him." My prayer is this type revival will begin in our hearts and spread to Christians everywhere. The Hinsons used to sing a song about revival. The words went something like this. "Lets have a revival from the pulpit to the pew." That is my prayer for Christians. Then sinners will be converted. Church, lets spring forward for Christ. If He lives in us, we should show it by consecrated lives of service to Him.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Child shall lead Them!!!
"Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."(Matthew 18:3)
Children often flocked to Jesus. They loved Him! Why? Because He spent time with them and listened to them. He accepted them as they were. Remember the time the disciples tried to send the children away, and Jesus told them to suffer(allow) the children to come unto Him and to forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Our scripture says: "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." We must come to Jesus in simple childlike faith, if we are to know Him as our personal Savior. There is no other way. We often feel the children should follow our lead, and certainly they should obey their parents and respect their elders. But when it comes to matters of faith, we must become as one of them.
Children often flocked to Jesus. They loved Him! Why? Because He spent time with them and listened to them. He accepted them as they were. Remember the time the disciples tried to send the children away, and Jesus told them to suffer(allow) the children to come unto Him and to forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Our scripture says: "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." We must come to Jesus in simple childlike faith, if we are to know Him as our personal Savior. There is no other way. We often feel the children should follow our lead, and certainly they should obey their parents and respect their elders. But when it comes to matters of faith, we must become as one of them.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Living for Jesus!!!
"For me to live is Christ......."(Philippians 1:21)
The hymn "Living for Jesus" is a wonderful song. In part it reads: "Living for Jesus, a life that is true, striving to please Him in all that I do, yielding allegiance gladhearted, and free. This is the pathway of blessing for me." The word "Christian" ends with 'IAN,' and that stands for "I am nothing." We are zeroes until we relate to Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul understood this, in fact he said in Romans 7:15, 'For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.' We as Christians are in a spiritual battle. It is between our spirit, our flesh and the devil. It has been said that 'casual Christians know nothing of spiritual warfare.' You see those who are backslidden, and who are cold and indifferent toward the things of God are right where the devil wants them. On the other hand, if we are striving to serve "The Lord" and are living for Him everyday, Satan will pull out all the stops to hinder us in our work for "The Lord." Sometimes these attacks come from unlikely sources. So we must always have on the "Whole Armor of God" in order to stand against the evil one and his forces. "Living for Jesus," what a wonderful way to live our lives as we await eternity with HIM.
The hymn "Living for Jesus" is a wonderful song. In part it reads: "Living for Jesus, a life that is true, striving to please Him in all that I do, yielding allegiance gladhearted, and free. This is the pathway of blessing for me." The word "Christian" ends with 'IAN,' and that stands for "I am nothing." We are zeroes until we relate to Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul understood this, in fact he said in Romans 7:15, 'For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.' We as Christians are in a spiritual battle. It is between our spirit, our flesh and the devil. It has been said that 'casual Christians know nothing of spiritual warfare.' You see those who are backslidden, and who are cold and indifferent toward the things of God are right where the devil wants them. On the other hand, if we are striving to serve "The Lord" and are living for Him everyday, Satan will pull out all the stops to hinder us in our work for "The Lord." Sometimes these attacks come from unlikely sources. So we must always have on the "Whole Armor of God" in order to stand against the evil one and his forces. "Living for Jesus," what a wonderful way to live our lives as we await eternity with HIM.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Redemption Draweth Nigh!!!
"lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
For some 2000 years, Jesus Christ has been preparing a glorious home for His Bride, The Church. The Bible says no man(person) knows the day or the hour, not even the angels know the exact time of "The Lord's Return." But HE will return for His Bride. Though we can't know the exact moment He will come, we do know His Return is closer than it has ever been. I believe with all my heart that many living today will be alive when Christ returns. Imagine that, many of you reading this blog who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ may never experience physical death. I am looking with great expectancy for "His Glorious Appearing." What about you? HE will one day split the eastern sky and rescue His Church from the coming judgement. May we be found faithful in our work for "The Lord" in the meantime. Time may be running out. Let's make every moment of our lives count for Christ. All our other endeavors will come to nought. What we do for "The Lord" will last for all eternity.
For some 2000 years, Jesus Christ has been preparing a glorious home for His Bride, The Church. The Bible says no man(person) knows the day or the hour, not even the angels know the exact time of "The Lord's Return." But HE will return for His Bride. Though we can't know the exact moment He will come, we do know His Return is closer than it has ever been. I believe with all my heart that many living today will be alive when Christ returns. Imagine that, many of you reading this blog who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ may never experience physical death. I am looking with great expectancy for "His Glorious Appearing." What about you? HE will one day split the eastern sky and rescue His Church from the coming judgement. May we be found faithful in our work for "The Lord" in the meantime. Time may be running out. Let's make every moment of our lives count for Christ. All our other endeavors will come to nought. What we do for "The Lord" will last for all eternity.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pass the Salt!!!
"Ye are the salt of the earth."(Matthew 5:13)
Salt does many things. It seasons. It heals. Salt purifies and preserves. Dr. Vance Havner once said that salt also irritates. That is it smarts, it causes a sting. True Christians who are really putting Christ first in their lives are out of step with the world, for they are walking in the steps of Jesus Christ. The Christlike life will rub the world the wrong way, but that is alright. Jesus said: "The World hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." Righteous living is a rebuke to this world, and the world resents anything or anyone that exposes its corruption and sinfulness. Let's be salty Christians. Our influence makes all the difference in a lost and dying world. Spread a little salt all around!
Salt does many things. It seasons. It heals. Salt purifies and preserves. Dr. Vance Havner once said that salt also irritates. That is it smarts, it causes a sting. True Christians who are really putting Christ first in their lives are out of step with the world, for they are walking in the steps of Jesus Christ. The Christlike life will rub the world the wrong way, but that is alright. Jesus said: "The World hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." Righteous living is a rebuke to this world, and the world resents anything or anyone that exposes its corruption and sinfulness. Let's be salty Christians. Our influence makes all the difference in a lost and dying world. Spread a little salt all around!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Seeking God's Will!!!
"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2)
Seeking out and finding God's Will for one's life is often a long process. Often times we feel that we need to help God out in the process and get ahead of Him. That always proves to be the wrong thing to do. Dr. Kenneth Ridings, former president of Fruitland Bible Institute, once said that 'he had been in the perfect will of God a few times, but he had found it to be a slippery place.' One of my professors in school, Rev. Jerry Hyder, once shared in chapel eight ways to find God's Will for one's life. I'm sure we could add to the list, but Bro. Jerry's list is very thought provoking.
1. Be Obedient.
2. Spend quality time with God.
3. Be teachable in your attitude.
4. Don't be afraid to try new things.
5. Get busy with what you already know to do.
6. Remember it is a process.
7. Resist the temptation to compare yourself with others.
8. God will provide.
I have sought to follow these steps over the years and have found them to be very helpful. My prayer is each of us will seek God's Will over our own will. It can indeed be a "slippery place" at times.
Seeking out and finding God's Will for one's life is often a long process. Often times we feel that we need to help God out in the process and get ahead of Him. That always proves to be the wrong thing to do. Dr. Kenneth Ridings, former president of Fruitland Bible Institute, once said that 'he had been in the perfect will of God a few times, but he had found it to be a slippery place.' One of my professors in school, Rev. Jerry Hyder, once shared in chapel eight ways to find God's Will for one's life. I'm sure we could add to the list, but Bro. Jerry's list is very thought provoking.
1. Be Obedient.
2. Spend quality time with God.
3. Be teachable in your attitude.
4. Don't be afraid to try new things.
5. Get busy with what you already know to do.
6. Remember it is a process.
7. Resist the temptation to compare yourself with others.
8. God will provide.
I have sought to follow these steps over the years and have found them to be very helpful. My prayer is each of us will seek God's Will over our own will. It can indeed be a "slippery place" at times.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Where will You spend Eternity???
"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess before My Father which is in Heaven. But, whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in Heaven." (Matthew 10:32-33)
Are we ashamed of Jesus? Are we afraid to publicly adknowledge Him? We shouldn't be. If we won't confess Him before men(people), He won't adknowledge us to "The Heavenly Father." Those who deny Christ on earth won't make it to Heaven. You say why should I publicly acknowledge Christ to be my personal Savior? Because that is what Christ said we are to do. Have you been putting off accepting Christ as your personal Savior? Don't wait a moment longer! We never know what tomorrow will hold. But as a child of God we know "The God" who holds all of our tomorrows. Those who want to follow Christ should publicly profess Him to be their Savior, follow His example, and be baptized. They then should unite with a local, Bible believing church. Then we are to serve HIM faithfully all the days of our lives. That takes committment. Heaven awaits those who trust Christ. A fiery Hell awaits those who reject HIM! The choice is ours. Where will we spend eternity?
Are we ashamed of Jesus? Are we afraid to publicly adknowledge Him? We shouldn't be. If we won't confess Him before men(people), He won't adknowledge us to "The Heavenly Father." Those who deny Christ on earth won't make it to Heaven. You say why should I publicly acknowledge Christ to be my personal Savior? Because that is what Christ said we are to do. Have you been putting off accepting Christ as your personal Savior? Don't wait a moment longer! We never know what tomorrow will hold. But as a child of God we know "The God" who holds all of our tomorrows. Those who want to follow Christ should publicly profess Him to be their Savior, follow His example, and be baptized. They then should unite with a local, Bible believing church. Then we are to serve HIM faithfully all the days of our lives. That takes committment. Heaven awaits those who trust Christ. A fiery Hell awaits those who reject HIM! The choice is ours. Where will we spend eternity?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
"Who will go and work Today?"
"Ye shall be witnesses unto me........" (Acts 1:8)
There are several callings listed in God's Word. Among them are Pastor-Teachers, and Evangelists. However, we are all called to be His witnesses to a lost and dying world. Every believer in the early church was a missionary. They were all spreading the "Good News." That is our calling today as well. How will they hear the "Gospel Message" unless we tell them? It is a joint effort. Each of us working together can accomplish much for God's Kingdom. Lets get off the sidelines and out of our comfort zones and go out into the highways and byways and compel them to come to Jesus. Lets remember Jesus charge to us, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me."
There are several callings listed in God's Word. Among them are Pastor-Teachers, and Evangelists. However, we are all called to be His witnesses to a lost and dying world. Every believer in the early church was a missionary. They were all spreading the "Good News." That is our calling today as well. How will they hear the "Gospel Message" unless we tell them? It is a joint effort. Each of us working together can accomplish much for God's Kingdom. Lets get off the sidelines and out of our comfort zones and go out into the highways and byways and compel them to come to Jesus. Lets remember Jesus charge to us, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me."
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Love is a many Splendored thing!!
"Love never fails...............And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:8,13)
Valentine's Day is upon us. During this time many express their love to their spouse or sweetheart. Everyone wants to know they are appreciated and loved. There is an old saying that "love makes the world go round." Our scripture tells us that "Love never fails." Truly love can overcome many things. The "Love of God" is the greatest love of all, for it is offered to all humankind. All who accept Christ as Savior can experience this love. The gospel song says: "His love is a boundless love and it reaches down and touches me." I'm thankful to have family, friends, and a church that loves me! Most of all, I'm thankful for the Love of God. Aren't you?
Profound Truth: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so!!!
Valentine's Day is upon us. During this time many express their love to their spouse or sweetheart. Everyone wants to know they are appreciated and loved. There is an old saying that "love makes the world go round." Our scripture tells us that "Love never fails." Truly love can overcome many things. The "Love of God" is the greatest love of all, for it is offered to all humankind. All who accept Christ as Savior can experience this love. The gospel song says: "His love is a boundless love and it reaches down and touches me." I'm thankful to have family, friends, and a church that loves me! Most of all, I'm thankful for the Love of God. Aren't you?
Profound Truth: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so!!!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
"Preaching the Cross!!!"
"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness." (1 Corinthians 1:18)
There are more religions today in the world than at any other time in all of history. Yet religion never saved anyone from the fires of Hell. Only Jesus Christ and His Blood can save us. Few preachers or churches are true to God's Word anymore. They have itching ears. They want to be "politically correct." Their desire is to be entertained rather than be enlightened with the inerrant Word of God. Christ must remain our focus, and the preaching of the cross must forever be our message. Lets never settle for the watered down theology of our day. We will all give an account one day as to what we did or did not do with the message of "The Cross." What we do with "The Cross of Jesus Christ" will determine where we will spend eternity. Are we ready to meet "The Lord?"
Life Verse: "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and
Him crucified." (1Corinthians 2:2)
There are more religions today in the world than at any other time in all of history. Yet religion never saved anyone from the fires of Hell. Only Jesus Christ and His Blood can save us. Few preachers or churches are true to God's Word anymore. They have itching ears. They want to be "politically correct." Their desire is to be entertained rather than be enlightened with the inerrant Word of God. Christ must remain our focus, and the preaching of the cross must forever be our message. Lets never settle for the watered down theology of our day. We will all give an account one day as to what we did or did not do with the message of "The Cross." What we do with "The Cross of Jesus Christ" will determine where we will spend eternity. Are we ready to meet "The Lord?"
Life Verse: "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and
Him crucified." (1Corinthians 2:2)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Lord is Good All the Time!!!
"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knoweth them that trust Him." (Nahum 1:7)
I like the phrase many use today: "God is good all the time." Just turn on the television or read the headlines and there is rarely anything good mentioned. But "The Lord is good." Our scripture says: "He is a stronghold in the day of trouble." Truly these are trying times for many of us. But Christians can not live in constant fear and still expect to enjoy all the blessings of "The Lord." When calamity and adversity strike us, and they will, we must remember that we are not alone in the battle. God is with us! HE knows those that trust in Him and will never forsake them, though we fail Him miserably at times. Are we bewildered? Trust God! Are we stressed? Trust the God of all peace and understanding. Have we lost our way? Jesus, like a shepherd will guide us, if we only trust HIM! Remember, "The Lord is good all the time."
I like the phrase many use today: "God is good all the time." Just turn on the television or read the headlines and there is rarely anything good mentioned. But "The Lord is good." Our scripture says: "He is a stronghold in the day of trouble." Truly these are trying times for many of us. But Christians can not live in constant fear and still expect to enjoy all the blessings of "The Lord." When calamity and adversity strike us, and they will, we must remember that we are not alone in the battle. God is with us! HE knows those that trust in Him and will never forsake them, though we fail Him miserably at times. Are we bewildered? Trust God! Are we stressed? Trust the God of all peace and understanding. Have we lost our way? Jesus, like a shepherd will guide us, if we only trust HIM! Remember, "The Lord is good all the time."
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Shouting Time!!!!
"O clap your hands, all ye people, shout unto God with the voice of triump."(Psalm 47:1)
There will likely be a lot of cheering and jeering as people watch the Super Bowl. Most of us get quite excited when our favorite team is winning. Often times we get beside ourselves. Rarely does one see that same level of enthusiasm for "The Lord's Work." It shouldn't be that way. For HE is worthy of our praise. Being a child of God is a wonderful thing and we should share that excitement with a lost and dying world. Afterall we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. This should make us "shout unto God with the voice of triumph."
Action Point: Get all excited, go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King!!!
There will likely be a lot of cheering and jeering as people watch the Super Bowl. Most of us get quite excited when our favorite team is winning. Often times we get beside ourselves. Rarely does one see that same level of enthusiasm for "The Lord's Work." It shouldn't be that way. For HE is worthy of our praise. Being a child of God is a wonderful thing and we should share that excitement with a lost and dying world. Afterall we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. This should make us "shout unto God with the voice of triumph."
Action Point: Get all excited, go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King!!!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
More, more about Jesus!!!
"That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death."(Philippians 3:10)
I enjoy reading biographies and autobiographies. In fact, I have a bookshelf at home that has nothing on it but such works. I have found in reading many of these books that the individuals being written about are either built up by their attributes and various contributions to society or are depicted in a lesser light by their failures, heartbreaks and disappointments. This goes on to prove that the human condition is fragile at best. Over the years, I have found one individual who has been written about more than any other. That is none other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His Word, the Bible is the perfect treasure of information regarding Him. I plan on reading a few of my other biographies from time to time, but none of these will ever take precedence again over my study of "The Life that would shed His blood" for the sins of the world. Lets learn more about Jesus this year. Read about Him in His Book, the worlds best seller - The Bible.
I enjoy reading biographies and autobiographies. In fact, I have a bookshelf at home that has nothing on it but such works. I have found in reading many of these books that the individuals being written about are either built up by their attributes and various contributions to society or are depicted in a lesser light by their failures, heartbreaks and disappointments. This goes on to prove that the human condition is fragile at best. Over the years, I have found one individual who has been written about more than any other. That is none other than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His Word, the Bible is the perfect treasure of information regarding Him. I plan on reading a few of my other biographies from time to time, but none of these will ever take precedence again over my study of "The Life that would shed His blood" for the sins of the world. Lets learn more about Jesus this year. Read about Him in His Book, the worlds best seller - The Bible.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
God's Path for Us!!!
"Trust in The Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways adknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."(Proverbs 3:5-6)
Another year is here. What will this year hold in store for each of us? Only God knows! In the Bible we can find the wisdom of God. We must trust Him and not our intellect to guide us in this new year. No doubt we will be given new opportunities, and face new issues and difficulties as we begin this journey of faith. But with each new circumstance and situation we face, we can be encouraged by the fact that an all knowing God is directing our paths. Afterall He is ordering our steps. This could be the year when Jesus comes. In the meantime, lets all rededicate our lives to The Lord and utilize every precious moment for the furtherance of the gospel.
Another year is here. What will this year hold in store for each of us? Only God knows! In the Bible we can find the wisdom of God. We must trust Him and not our intellect to guide us in this new year. No doubt we will be given new opportunities, and face new issues and difficulties as we begin this journey of faith. But with each new circumstance and situation we face, we can be encouraged by the fact that an all knowing God is directing our paths. Afterall He is ordering our steps. This could be the year when Jesus comes. In the meantime, lets all rededicate our lives to The Lord and utilize every precious moment for the furtherance of the gospel.
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